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Multiprocessing of for nested loops

I am trying to excute the following code, to save the list data_set_N at the end.

import re
for i_1 in list(range(10))+list("+-"):
    for i_2 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
        for i_3 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
            for i_4 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                for i_5 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                    for i_6 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                        for i_7 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                            for i_8 in list(range(10)):
                                try :
                                    value= str(i_1)+str(i_2)+str(i_3)+str(i_4)+str(i_5)+str(i_6)+str(i_7)+str(i_8)
                                    valuev=re.sub(r'\b0+(?!\b)', '', value)
                                    evaluation = eval(valuev)
                                    if type(evaluation) == type(True) and evaluation and "//" not in value:


The problem is that it will take more than 50 hours, for the the first i_1 it took 4.5 hours. To get data_set_N faster I wanted to use multiprocessing. The idea was to use something like this :

from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
import itertools    
import re

def add_value(data_set_N,paramlist):
    #I am not sure if this function is well defined
        i_1,i_2,i_3,i_4 = paramlist[0],paramlist[1],paramlist[2],paramlist[3]
        i_5,i_6,i_7,i_8 = paramlist[4],paramlist[5],paramlist[6],paramlist[7]
        value = str(i_1)+str(i_2)+str(i_3)+str(i_4)+str(i_5)+str(i_6)+str(i_7)+str(i_8)
        valuev =re.sub(r'\b0+(?!\b)', '', value)
        evaluation = eval(valuev)
        if type(evaluation) == type(True) and evaluation and "//" not in value:

data_set_N = [] 
#Generate values for each parameter
I_1 = list(range(10))+list("+-")
I_2 = list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]
I_3 = list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]
I_4 = list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]
I_5 = list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]
I_6 = list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]
I_7 = list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]
I_8 = list(range(10))
paramlist = list(itertools.product(I_1,I_2,I_3,I_4,I_5,I_6,I_7,I_8))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with Manager() as manager:
        data_set_N = manager.list()  # <-- can be shared between processes.
        processes = []

        for i in range(10): #os.cpu_count() - 2 =10 , this range can be changed
            p = Process(target=add_value, args=(data_set_N,paramlist))  # Passing the list

        for p in processes:

        data_set_N = list(data_set_N) #the final list

The problem here is with paramlist that causes a MemoryError (because its size is 12x15^6x10).

Is there a way to use multiprocessing to execute the code faster (around 10 hours), while avoiding memory problems?


  • What I would do is:

    1. Use a multiprocessing pool.
    2. Keep your basic code as is except with 7 nested loops (the seven inner loops) and each submitted task is processing a value from the i_1 list.
    3. Move the inexpensive '//' in value check immediately after value is evaluated and possibly avoid doing a needless regular expression substitution and call to the eval function.

    This will use up to 12 cores (the length of the i_1 list) if your computer has them. If your computer has 12 cores and they are all physical cores and nothing else is running, I would expect the execution time to be reduced by a factor of 12. If you have 6 physical and 6 logical cores and other processes are running, then the execution time will clearly not be reduced by a factor of 12 (I cannot predict by how much). But this is the simplest way of solving your memory issues.

    If you had many more cores than 12, then you could define process_value to have the 6 inner most loops and use method starmap (each element of the iterable will be a tuple and process_value will now have two arguments in addition to the managed list, i_1 and i_2) with the iterable argument being the product of i_1 list and i_2 list.

    from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager, cpu_count
    from functools import partial
    import re
    def process_value(data_set_N, i_1):
        for i_2 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
            for i_3 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                for i_4 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                    for i_5 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                        for i_6 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                            for i_7 in list(range(10))+list("+-*/")+["=="]:
                                for i_8 in list(range(10)):
                                        value = str(i_1)+str(i_2)+str(i_3)+str(i_4)+str(i_5)+str(i_6)+str(i_7)+str(i_8)
                                        if '//' in value:
                                        valuev = re.sub(r'\b0+(?!\b)', '', value)
                                        evaluation = eval(valuev)
                                        if type(evaluation) == type(True) and evaluation:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        with Manager() as manager:
            data_set_N = manager.list()
            # The iterable is the i_1 list:
            i_1_list = list(range(10))+list("+-")
            POOL_SIZE = min(cpu_count(), len(i_1_list))
            pool = Pool(POOL_SIZE)
  , data_set_N), i_1_list)