I have configured my package.json & cypress.json & index.js as per cucumber requirement refer this link < https://github.com/TheBrainFamily/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor>
file stucture C:\Users\Ankit\CypressAutomation\cypress\integration\2-advanced-examples\BDD\ecommerce\ecommercestepdef.js & for feature file C:\Users\Ankit\CypressAutomation\cypress\integration\2-advanced-examples\BDD\ecommerce.feature
I have getting error in this:- node_modules/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/lib/resolveStepDefinition.js:199:1
Step implementation missing for: I open ecommerce page
I guess there's a blank space before the step definition 1, at line 12, that could cause preprocessor not to recognize the implementation of the sentence in the feature