I'm using kotlin multiplatform to export a library to ios, android and possibly js.
the kotlin class is like this:
class CoreClient (private val httpClient: HTTPClient, private val socket: SocketClient, eventDelegate:EventEngineDelegate? = null): SocketClientDelegate {
fun sessionLogin(data: Map<String, Any>, callback: ((Exception?, String?) -> Unit)) {
Logger.i { "CoreClient - sessionLogin"}
val body = data["body"] as Map<String, Any?>
// create an event for connecting the socket, store the token for the login to happen after connected
val event = SocketConnectEvent(
invokeEngine(event, eventCallback(callback))
that's how I'm trying to use it:
const lib = require("../build/js/packages/clientsdk-core-js-legacy");
const kotlin = require("../build/js/packages_imported/kotlin/1.6.10/kotlin");
const HashMap = kotlin.kotlin.collections.HashMap
HashMap.prototype.get = HashMap.prototype.get_11rb$
HashMap.prototype.put = HashMap.prototype.put_xwzc9p$
const {core, middleware, api } = lib.com.nexmo.clientsdk
const {CoreClient} = core
const {VoiceClient, MediaClient} = api
const coreClient = new CoreClient(HTTPClient(), SocketClient())
const mediaClient = new MediaClient()
const client = new VoiceClient(coreClient, mediaClient)
loginEventBody = new HashMap()
loginEventBody.put('token', 'TOKEN')
loginEventBody.put('device_id', 'js1')
loginEventBody.put('device_type', 'js')
loginEventBody.put('SDK_version', 'foo')
const loginEvent = new HashMap()
loginEvent.put('body', loginEventBody)
// console.log('sessionLogin_wt4221$')
if I do this, I got the following error:
return this.internalMap_uxhen5$_0.put_xwzc9p$(key, value);
TypeError: Cannot read property 'put_xwzc9p$' of null
my gradle configuration for js is the following:
browser {
cssSupport.enabled = false
so my questions are:
this was to do things is working great in both android and ios
See an issue in Kotlin Youtrack - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-34995.