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Google App Engine providing .well-known Folder

I'm trying to provide a .well-known folder under my Google App Engine Application I'm using the standard environment and the python27 runtime. with a web-app-origin-association.json file to try the Progressive Web Apps as URL Handlers origin trial from chrome.

I've added the following code to my app.yaml file under handlers:

  # .well-known Ordner
  - url: /.well-known/(.*)
    static_files: well-known/\1
    upload: well-known/.*

The folder in my project is named well-known without a dot cause I've read that there are problems when using a folder Name with a dot at the start of the foldername. But the url isn't available instead it works without the dot:

enter image description here

What do I have to change in order to make it work under

enter image description here


  • The best way i found out about is to just do it like that:

      - url: /\.well-known
        static_dir: .well-known
        secure: always

    and use the python39 runtime.