I am trying to run this code:
def parse_data(contents, filename):
content_type, content_string = contents.split(',')
decoded = base64.b64decode(content_string)
if 'csv' in filename:
# Assume that the user uploaded a CSV or TXT file
df = pd.read_csv(
elif 'xls' in filename:
# Assume that the user uploaded an excel file
df = pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(decoded))
elif 'txt' or 'tsv' in filename:
# Assume that the user upl, delimiter = r'\s+'oaded an excel file
df = pd.read_csv(
io.StringIO(decoded.decode('utf-8')), delimiter = r'\s+')
except Exception as e:
return html.Div([
'There was an error processing this file.'
return df
def update_graph(contents, filename):
fig = {
'layout': go.Layout(
if contents:
contents = contents[0]
filename = filename[0]
df = parse_data(contents, filename)
df = df.set_index(df.columns[0])
fig['data'] = df.iplot(asFigure=True, kind='scatter', mode='lines+markers', size=1)
return fig
And get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/.../PycharmProjects/pythonProject2/main.py", line 93, in update_graph
df = df.set_index(df.columns[0])
AttributeError: 'Div' object has no attribute 'set_index'
Any ideas what might be wrong? Thanks a lot!
All problem is with your parse_data()
. If it can't read file then it runs return html.Div()
so running df = parse_data()
means df = html.Div()
and later you don't check if you really get data in df
and df.set_index()
means html.Div().set_index()
Maybe better use return None
and check this after df = parse_data()
def parse_data(contents, filename):
# ... code ...
# ... code ...
except Exception as e:
return None
return df
and later
df = parse_data(contents, filename)
if df is None:
html.Div(['There was an error processing this file.'])
df = df.set_index(df.columns[0])
fig['data'] = df.iplot(asFigure=True, kind='scatter', mode='lines+markers', size=1)
But this still can have problem with fig['data']
when it can't read file.
I can't test your code but maybe it should do assign Div
to fig['data']
if df is None:
fig['data'] = html.Div(['There was an error processing this file.'])
df = df.set_index(df.columns[0])
fig['data'] = df.iplot(asFigure=True, kind='scatter', mode='lines+markers', size=1)