When resolving all implementations of a generic type (with a contravariant T) from autofac I'd like to get all possible contravariant matches. This only works when registering the ContravariantRegistrationSource. But then I get too much instances for open generic implementations because it walks the inheritance tree gives me an instance per subclass.
This might sound a bit abstract, so here's 2 unit tests that demonstrate the problem. They both fail, but I'd like to get at least one of them working:
using Autofac;
using FluentAssertions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xunit;
using Autofac.Features.Variance;
namespace Aiv.Vbr.QueryService.WebApi.Test.AdresMatchTests
public class TestAutofacGenerics
public interface IGenericInterface<in T> { }
public class GenericImplementation<T> : IGenericInterface<T> { }
public class SpecificImplementation : IGenericInterface<TClass> { }
public class TInterfaceImplementation : IGenericInterface<TInterface> { }
public interface TInterface { }
public class TClass : TInterface { }
public void AutofacShouldAlsoResolveContravariantImplementations()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var instances = builder.Build().Resolve<IEnumerable<IGenericInterface<TClass>>>();
//This fails: only 2 types get resolved: GenericImplementation<TClass> and SpecificImplementation
//but also expected TInterfaceImplementation
public void AutofacShouldOnlyResolveOpenGenericsForSpecifiedClass()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterSource(new ContravariantRegistrationSource());
var instances = builder.Build().Resolve<IEnumerable<IGenericInterface<TClass>>>();
//This fails: 5 types get resolved: GenericImplementation<TClass>, GenericImplementation<Object>,
// GenericImplementation<TInterface>, SpecificImplementation and TInteraceImplementation
//but did not want GenericImplementation<Object> and GenericImplementation<TInterface>
The issue is described here and a possible solution suggested is to use a custom ContravariantRegistrationSource which is scoped, but I fail to see how this can resolve my issue. What can I do?
The issue is related to how ContravariantRegistrationSource
and RegisterGeneric
When you resolve GenericImplementation<TClass>
will try to resolve
because you have
Autofac will returns registration for each of them.
It is the expected behavior and unfortunately there is no easy way to fix it.
I had the same issue with MediatR and INotificationHandler
, I ended by doing my own IRegistrationSource
/// <summary>
/// Returns contravariant registration source without duplicator target.
/// <see cref="ContravariantRegistrationSource" /> returns all contravariant implementation of a type.
/// For example when we resolve IEnumerable<INotificationHandler<SpecificCommand>> it will returns a collection with GenericHandler<SpecificCommand>, GenericHandler<BaseCommand>, SpecificCommandHandler
/// this registration source will first look up for the native registrations and then group registration based on activator limit type.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46464944/autofac-contravariance-and-resolving-open-generic-types </remarks>
public class ExplicitContravariantRegistrationSource : IRegistrationSource
private readonly IRegistrationSource _source = new ContravariantRegistrationSource();
private readonly Type _type;
public ExplicitContravariantRegistrationSource(Type type)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
if (!type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
throw new ArgumentException("Type should be a generic type definition", nameof(type));
this._type = type;
public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(
Service service,
Func<Service, IEnumerable<ServiceRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
if (service is IServiceWithType st
&& st.ServiceType.IsGenericType
&& this._type == st.ServiceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition())
// get all non contravariant registration source
var originalRegistrations = registrationAccessor(service).ToArray();
var components = _source
// retrieve all contravariant registration source
.RegistrationsFor(service, registrationAccessor)
// Group will ensure having only a single registration of a activator limit type
// exclude groups if autofac already resolved the same activator limit type
.Where(o => !originalRegistrations.Select(oo => this.GetTargetTypeDefinitionOrSelf(oo.Registration)).Contains(o.Key))
// taking the last is the default behavior for autofac, it can be improved
.Select(o => o.Last());
return components;
return Enumerable.Empty<IComponentRegistration>();
private Type GetTargetTypeDefinitionOrSelf(IComponentRegistration componentRegistration)
return componentRegistration.Target.Activator.LimitType.IsGenericType ?
: componentRegistration.Target.Activator.LimitType;
public bool IsAdapterForIndividualComponents => _source.IsAdapterForIndividualComponents;
and I use it like this :
builder.RegisterSource(new ExplicitContravariantRegistrationSource(typeof(INotificationHandler<>)));