I have been going through several questions such as this to see if there is a standard practice/ best practice for whether to put quotes on keys in JavaScript or JSX or TSX. I, however, haven't found anything and would like to know (before building a huge project on bad practices) which is best between:
obj = {'foo': 'bar'}
obj = {foo: 'bar'}
Or better yet, is there some document I can refer to for this?
checkout the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide. It has a standard set of guidelines and best practices.
Why? In general we consider it subjectively easier to read. It improves syntax highlighting, and is also more easily optimized by many JS engines.
// bad
const bad = {
'foo': 3,
'bar': 4,
'data-blah': 5,
// good
const good = {
foo: 3,
bar: 4,
'data-blah': 5,