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Detect query type( query, mutation, subscription) in graphql-java

Is there a way to detect the query type query , mutation or subscription , preferably without executing the query.

For example:

ExecutionInput executionInput = ExecutionInput
    .query("subscription Test{test}")

Is it possible to detect that this is a subscription request? subscription Test{test} without executing the query?

Something like executionInput.isSubscription()


  • You can use ParseAndValidate to parse the ExecutionInput :

    ParseAndValidateResult parseResult = ParseAndValidate.parse(executionInput);

    The idea is to get the list of the OperationDefinition from Document (i.e query parsing result) and get its Operation type (an enum which has value QUERY,MUTATION,SUBSCRIPTION) from OperationDefinition.

    P.S. I test with graphql-java v17