I'm building android app that receives an mqtt message from esp8266 with the percent of water on water sensor for my school project. So, I need to send app notification, when the percent is not equal to zero, but there's one problem. Received message is a byte array, but for some reason it's not just number, it has specific U+FFFD � replacement character, so I can't compare this byte array to another array like [0]. I'm trying to convert received message into string, remove all strange symbols and compare it to "0". But for some reason again I can't. For example, String "0����" clears from all the � characters, but the java code still considers that it is not equal to "0".
My code:
if (topic.equals(topicstr2)){
byte[] res = message.getPayload();
result_notif = new String(res).replaceAll("�", "");
if (result_notif != "0"){
result_notif is a string, it was declared in the beggining of code.
P.S. sorry for my bad english, I hope I've made my problem pretty clear.
Using !result_notif.equals("0")
instead of "result_info != "0"
" and using the .trim()
method was the solution of my problem.
if (topic.equals(topicstr2)){
byte[] res = message.getPayload();
result_notif = new String(res).replaceAll("�", "").trim();
intent.putExtra(MainActivity.PARAM_RESULT, result_notif);
if (!result_notif.equals("0")){