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getContentLength() returning -1 but value expected was 127

What will be the output of the following Java program?

    class networking 
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
            URL obj = new URL("");
            URLConnection obj1 = obj.openConnection();
            int len = obj1.getContentLength();

Note: Host URL is having length of content 127.

a) 127

b) 126

c) Runtime Error

d) Compilation Error

I found this as a question on sanfoundry as Question. 32, here is the link to it:

so the correct answer according to the website should be a) 127, the answer which of course I was not expecting. So, I ran the code on an IDE and got the output as -1, which is even more strange and now I am confused.

Please give me an explanation of what actually these methods do and what was wrong here.


  • -1 is returned if the server doesn't send any content length back. I've opened in a browser and got a 404 back. I checked the network tab of the developer tools to check the headers, and the content-length header was not included.