Background : ModelSim v10.4d installed with quartus v16.0
I wrote a .do file to simulate my design with ModelSim.
The steps in my .do file are:
1- vcom *.vhd : compile all sources files and testbench
2- vsim work.my_tb : load testbench for simulation
3- log * -r : tell modelsim to record everything
4- run xx us : run simulation for a certain time
and then I manually add signals to waveform window.
This flow works fine, but when I modify some codes and re-do the .do file, problem happens :
The 2nd run of .do file will update the dataset file .wlf. But the signals in the waveform window are still on the old dataset. I tried two things as below to update signals:
1- file->open->new dataset, signals in the waveform window are NOT updated to the new dataset.
2- file->open->new dataset, then file->dataset browser-> close old dataset,
this will delete those signals in the waveform window. Then I had to add
those signals manually a second time, then the signals are up to date, but
this wastes a lot of time.
So I wonder if there is a simpler way to update signals in the waveform window to the new dataset?
Run "dataset restart" command in the Transcript window.