I've been trying to fix this since yesterday but have done more damage than good. I have a function app (written in JS) in the Azure Portal. All was working well until two days ago when I received the below error. I've seen a few bits online saying the fix is to update the reference however I'm not really sure where I should update the reference to NuGet package. In my function app's code I have both a js file and the json file but I don't know where the NuGet package comes in. Apologies if this is trivial I'm still learning but would really like to understand what's going on here. For reference I'm on a Mac and have been working off VS code.
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script: One or more loaded extensions do not meet the minimum requirements. For more information see https://aka.ms/func-min-extension-versions.
ExtensionStartupType EventHubsWebJobsStartup from assembly 'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.EventHubs, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' does not meet the required minimum version of Update your NuGet package reference for Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs to 4.3.0 or later.
Few of the workaround to update the NuGet Packages were:
Way 1: Using NuGet Package Manager
Right Click on your project in Visual Studio > Select Manage NuGet Packages Option > Click on Updates > You'll find the Packages if any new versions are available for Update.
Way 2: Using Command Line/Terminal If you're using Visual Studio IDE, to open the terminal:
Using this NuGet Official Site , you can find the command here to install from the NuGet Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs -Version 5.0.0
If you're using Visual Studio Code IDE, then open the terminal and install/update the required packages using this command and this command will be available in the above site only:
The Command is:
dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs --version 5.0.0
Way 3:
Open the Command Prompt > drive to your project path located > Use the above .Net Core CLI Command to install the required packages like:
Way 4:
Go to NuGet Official Site > Find the latest version of the required package > Copy the Package Reference code and replace the existing old version package reference code from the .csproj
Double-click the Project Name (1) in the solution explorer to open .csproj
file and include the latest package reference of the required package like below:
1. To download the specific version of the required packages, go to the versions option available on the same official site of the package like below:
file of your Azure Functions Project.