I want to hide an ID named #ko when a specific parameter is found in the url.
For example this is the thank you page when a customer send a question:
I want to hide id="ko" when k=Vraag is in the URL
But when the a customer asked for a quotation (k=Offerte) I want to show id="ko".
This is the html:
<span style="color: #ffffff;">Ik heb je bericht in goede orde ontvangen en zal binnen 48 uur een reactie geven op je <span class="keuze">[get_param param="k"]</span><span id="ko"> aanvraag</span>.</span>
This is what I got right now, but it doesn't seem to work.
$(document).ready(function () {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("k=Vraag") != -1) {
Your code should work assuming jQuery is loaded (it was not) but I suggest you use searchParams and a toggle
$(function() {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const keuze = url.searchParams.get("k");
$(".keuze").toggle(keuze === "" || keuze === "Vraag");
$("#ko").toggle(keuze !== "Vraag" && keuze !== "Offerte");
Plain JS
window.addEventListener("load",function() {
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const keuze = url.searchParams.get("k");
document.querySelector(".keuze").hidden = keuze && keuze !== "Vraag";
document.getElementById("ko").hidden = keuze === "Vraag" || keuze === "Offerte";
My second code after running the active code in the console shows