I've the following code snippet:
for(int i=0;i<6; i++) rtk->rb[i]=i<3?opt->rb[i]:0.0;
I can't understand the meaning of this line...rtk is a struct that has a field named rb (which is an array) and opt is another struct, which also has a the same field rb... the simbols < and ? are confusing me... rtk type is rtk_t
, while opt type is prcopt_t
typedef struct {
double rb[6]; /* base position/velocity (ecef) (m|m/s) */
} rtk_t;
typedef struct {
double rb[3]; /* base position for relative mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
} prcopt_t;
the right part of this here :
is another way to say:
if (i < 3)
x = opt->rb[i];
x = 0.0;
only that the way you wrote it is using ternary operators