Is there a way to simply retrieve the query string that MongoDB java driver does? For example:
filter = eq("field","value");
FindIterable<BasicDBObject> find = collection.find(filter).projection(fields(include("field"), excludeId()));
When iterating, this should invoke the query :
db.collection.find({"field":"value"},{"field":1, "_id":0})
which will be split in batches, the first of which will be of 101 elements and next ones of max 16MB (but I don't really care about this. I just need the initial query). Is there a way to retrieve this string from the FindIterable or other objects of mongodb java driver?
I read elsewhere of people who were suggesting to do it from logging. I need the query string at runtime cause I have to use it.
You can try this with the Java Driver v4.2 and MongoDB v4.2.8. You can get the filter and projection from the Bson
as JSON string values.
MongoCollection<Document> coll = client.getDatabase("test").getCollection("books");
Bson filter = eq("author", "Mark Twain");
String filterJson = filter.toBsonDocument(BsonDocument.class, Bson.DEFAULT_CODEC_REGISTRY).toJson();
System.out.println(filterJson); // {"author": "Mark Twain"}
Bson projectn = fields(include("title"), excludeId());
String projectJson = projectn.toBsonDocument(Document.class, Bson.DEFAULT_CODEC_REGISTRY).toJson();
System.out.println(projectJson); // {"title": 1, "_id": 0}