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Is there a package/function in R that will identify country/continent?

Is there a function or package in R that extracts the relevant country and it's corresponding continent from a string variable?

Each observation in the variable is coded like this:

df<- c("random,thing,thing, United States", "site, level, state, information, Sweden")

and so on and so on. The country is the last item after the final "," delimiter. I essentially want to extract that item or use some sort of function that extracts the country from a string like that.

Then I would need to create another column with the relevant continent. So the final output would look like this:

df2 <- data.frame(Country=c("United States", "Sweden), Continent= c("North America", "Europe")

df2 does need to follow that exact nomenclature ie United States can be written as USA or United States of America - I just need some sort of function/package that extracts that country info and gives me the continent in R.

Thank you so much!


  • Ok, both are possible:

    df<- c("random,thing,thing, United States", "site, level, state, information, Sweden")
    df2 <- data_frame(Country =  sub('.*\\, ', '', df))
    df2$Continent <- countrycode(sourcevar = df2$Country,
                                 origin = "",
                                 destination = "continent")