I'm using a Raspberry Pi (4) and hoped I'd be able to implement QR detection through a Rasp Cam. I found BoofCV that could do the job - so I copied the code from the ExampleDetectQrCode repo but its throwing a few errors...
var cannot be resolved to a type
VisualizeShapes cannot be resolved
VisualizeShapes cannot be resolved
ShowImages cannot be resolved
On my imports I'm also getting:
The import boofcv.gui cannot be resolved
I used Maven to implement BoofCV, I'm very new to Maven but I think I've done it right (again just copied straight from the repo home):
Any help would be greatly appreciated, cheers
You need to import the "boofcv-swing" artifact to have the built in Swing components.
If your application doesn't have a GUI you will want to remove anything that's in the boofcv.gui package as that will try to open a window.