I have set up a Synapse workspace to use a managed VNet with data exfilteration. This works ok when I allow Public Access.
However when I connect I get a 403 error when I disable public access.
I have looked at using a private link hub but this has not solved the issue for me. I have tried going through the settings to set up end points for restricted networks without joy.
This blog on end points was my starting point but I don't see much on here about turning off Public access.
Other than this issue everything else seems OK. I have proven that I cannot connect to Azure SQL without first adding an end point - this is directly on Synapse and although I approve in in the Private Link Center it only appears in Synapse (similarly for Key Vault) so all of this works but for me connecting from a private end point.
Any help very welcome.
We had a couple of problems.
Now these have been resolved and a Virtual Machine resides in our Customer VNET we are able to connect.