I want to delete the single node of cluster
here is my problem i am create the node where 2 nodes are running only
but for sometime i need more nodes for few minutes only then after using scaling down i want delete the drain node only from cluster.
i do scaling up/down manually
here is the step i follow
i tried it with command
eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster= cluster-name --name= name --nodes=4 --nodes-min=1 --nodes-max=4
but it doesn't help it will delete random node also manager will crash.
One option is using a separate node group for the transient load, use taints/tolerations for laod to be scheduled on that node group, drain/delete that particular node group if not needed.
Do you manually scale up/down nodes? If you are using something like cluster auto scaler, there will be variables like "cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict": "false"
to protect pods from scaling down.