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How to get out of fullscreen which is activated by pressing F11

I need feature of activating fullscreen and deactivating fullscreen and every thing works great when i use document.requestFullScreen and document.cancelFullScreen API. But when user activate fullscreen using F11 then document.cancelFullScreen API doesn't work as i wants.

I tried finding and testing many stackoverflow answers but none of those helped me. I wants to reverse/cancel the fullscreen effect of F11 key press done by user.

Here is demo i created where you can see that issue code sand box ,in this sandbox just open output in new separate window/tab, then press F11 which will activate fullscreen, now try to press 'Go Fullscreen' i provided which is not able to exit fullscreen effect.


  • I have tried this method it is working fine as on my try, I have add code bellow, also I have create new file in your code sand box called "test.html", and also here is the result link. Hope it will be the solution for your trouble.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
          .full-container {
            background-color: yellow;
        <div id="full-container" class="full-container">
          Open this page in New Window to see effect of button
          <button onclick="goFullscreen()">go FullScreen</button>
      <script src=""></script>
        var fullScreenMod = false;
        $(document).on("keydown", function (ev) {
          if (ev.keyCode === 27 || ev.keyCode === 122) {
            return false;
        /* Standard syntax */
        document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function () {
          fullScreenMod = !fullScreenMod;
        /* Firefox */
        document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function () {
          fullScreenMod = !fullScreenMod;
        /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */
        document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", function () {
          fullScreenMod = !fullScreenMod;
        /* IE / Edge */
        document.addEventListener("msfullscreenchange", function () {
          fullScreenMod = !fullScreenMod;
        function goFullscreen() {
          console.log("fullscreen called");
          let topContainer = document.getElementById("full-container");
          let isWholeFullScreen = fullScreenMod;
          if (isWholeFullScreen == false) {
            isWholeFullScreen = !isWholeFullScreen;
            if (topContainer.requestFullScreen) {
            } else if (topContainer.mozRequestFullScreen) {
            } else if (topContainer.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
            } else if (topContainer.msRequestFullscreen) {
          } else {
            isWholeFullScreen = !isWholeFullScreen;
            if (document.exitFullScreen) {
            } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
            } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) {
            } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {