Trying to make a canvas effect work in IE8. With excanvas.js there is no problem in IE7, but in IE8, it doesn't work. The effect is named ECOTree, and I have made all the tricks and all the modifications included here. Any suggestions to run this effect in IE8?
Here is the modified code for ie8 in ecotree.js:
// Make the <canvas> element.
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
jQuery(canvas).attr('width', 2000).attr('height', 7000).attr('id', 'ECOTreecanvas').appendTo(this.treeContainer);
if ((jQuery.browser.msie) && (parseInt(jQuery.browser.version, 10)<=8)){
// For Internet Explorer, have excanvas initialize the canvas method
// Modification, the major versions greater than 8 don't need excanvas.
canvas.setAttribute('width', '2000');
canvas.setAttribute('height', '7000');
canvas.setAttribute('id', 'ECOTreecanvas');
if (typeof G_vmlCanvasManager != 'undefined') {
canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas);
I have solved the problem by forcing an event to update the canvas element. I know it is an unorthodox mechanism but apparently updating with jquery ready method was not enough