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Weird SPARQL pattern matching in 4store?

Suppose I have a RDF-base containing 4 triples:

"John"  "loves" "sushi"
"John"  "loves" "Mary"
"Frank" "hates" "sushi"
"John"  "hates" "olives"

and let's say I consider "sushi" such a weird thing that I'd like to know what exactly people can do with it and even more what else they can apply the same action to =)

So I write a SPARQL query that seems logical to me:

  ?s ?p "sushi".
  ?s ?p ?o

naturally expecting to get the following result

"John"  "sushi"
"John"  "Mary"
"Frank" "sushi"

because for each of the first 3 triples there exists a satisfying pair of (?s, ?p) values that makes the joined pattern evaluate to TRUE.

But in reality (I use local 4store engine & DB) the answer is like this:

"John"  "sushi"
"John"  "Mary"
"Frank" "sushi"
"John"  "olives"

Can someone explain this behavior to me?

And if this is truly how it should work in SPARQL, then what is the way to get what I need?


  • Hmmm, this looks like it may be a bug in 4store since I've just tested this in four different independent SPARQL implementations - Jena ARQ, dotNetRDF Leviathan, OpenLink Virtuoso and Clark & Parsia's Stardog - and they all return the answer you were expecting.

    And as a self confessed SPARQL nut I think the answer you are expecting is the correct one.

    I'd suggest getting in touch with the 4store guys using their support mailing list -

    Note this may not be a bug directly in 4store but a bug in the underlying rasqal query library but I don't know enough about 4store to tell you one way or another.