Does anyone know how to send mail to a segment of a contact list with Sendgrid New (V3) Campaign API?
The guide only contains the legacy Marketing Campaigns, which doesn't work for the latest SendGrid (v3).
Do I use the single-send instead (no campaign API for V3)?
Update: I tried to create singlesend to send out email:
But it always create a DRAFT that appears in my sendgrid dashboard, without actually sending it out. I then tried Schedule SingleSend
It works now. So in summary I need to create SingleSend, and then schedule the singlesend (from its ID) with a datetime.
Twilio SendGrid developer evangelist here.
Single-sends are the equivalent of the Campaign API for legacy marketing campaigns. You can send a mail to a segment with a single-send with the following JSON data structure:
"name": "Single send name",
"send_to": {
"segment_ids": ["ENTER_SEGMENT_ID_HERE"]