I am having a problem with my pipeline in Jenkins.
I perform a path search for files with the specified extension. I then execute php -l with the previously found files. Everything works okay but I would like if php -l finds an error then the build and step go to UNSTABLE state and further execution of the pipeline is stopped. I managed to do it this way but then build and step are in a FAILED state
} catch (Exception e) {
Part of code my pipeline.
def check(){
stage('Validate files') {
try {
sh "find . -type f -iregex '.*\\.\\(php\\)' | xargs -I % sh -c 'php -l \'%\''"
} catch (Exception e) {
I hope someone smarter can direct me to a solution :)
Got an example to work but maybe not exactly what you wanted. I used unstable() to mark the stage / build and then checked for the exit code of the sh step to return or continue the pipeline.
There are 2 if's as you need to return outside of a stage to not just return from the stage.
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
try {
node {
def exitCode = 0
exitCode = check()
if (exitCode != 0){
} catch (Throwable err) { // catch all exceptions
throw err
} finally {}
def check(){
stage('Validate files') {
exitCode = sh script:"exit 1", returnStatus:true
if (exitCode !=0){
return exitCode
def somethingelse(){
echo "somethingelse"