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How to Get Field Name(Capability Name) from GetFilter Method of powerBi using JavaScript

We are creating Visuals using Power BI API Client(JavaScript).Once it is created I want to pre populate all selected Capabilities and filters in another view.I used Visual.getFilters() method to get all pre selected filters but in each item I am not getting the capability to which it belongs,Is there is any way to get capability name with each filter. for example

I selected bellow properties for creating a visual

Visual Type = Funnel


1 Group = Group1

2 Values = value1

after saving this visual when we execute getFilters(),we are getting this two objects but it does not contains Capability names like Group/Values


  • It is not possible to get the capability names in each filter using getFilters(), we can get the Capability Names by using getCapabilities. To get the capability names, follow the below steps:

    1. Create an authoring page:
    window.authoringPage = await report.addPage(pageName);
    1. Create a visual using Create a visual API:
    const createVisualResponse = await page.createVisual('Visual_Name');
    const visual = createVisualResponse.visual;
    1. Get the applied filters using getFilters():
    const filters = await visual.getFilters();

    We didn't get capabilities of each filter in filters object

    enter image description here

    1. Get the Capability Names by using getCapabilities:
    const capabilities = await visual.getCapabilities();

    enter image description here

    Find the references and the sample code here: