Hi i am using TLSharp latest version is and when i call var hash = await client.SendCodeRequestAsync("<my_phone>");
i got error System.InvalidOperationException: 'UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN'
anyone know how to fix it
My code
TelegramClient client = new TelegramClient(appid, "apihash",null,"session",null,DataCenterIPVersion.OnlyIPv4);
await client.ConnectAsync();
var hash = await client.SendCodeRequestAsync("<my_phone>");
string code = "";
await client.SignUpAsync("<my_phone>", hash, code, "<fist_name>", "last_name");
The error "UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN" happens because your Telegram Client/Library uses an obsolete API layer.
As stated on its project page, TLSharp is no longer maintained and will not be updated to fix this.
You should switch to WTelegramClient which is: