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Cucumber 7 regex on step definition

I am new to cucumber and regex . I am currently using cucumber core 7.2.0 for a project.

For some reason I cannot seem to get regular expressions to work in the step definition.

For example I have the following

Scenario: User tries to login

When I enter valid credentials for 


Then on step definition class

@When("I enter (.*) credentials for {word}")
 public void iEnterMyCredentialsAsUser(String email) {


While the feature finds the step definition found just fine, when executing I get the following

io.cucumber.junit.UndefinedStepException: The step 'I enter valid credentials for testa30' is undefined. You can implement this step using the snippet(s) below:

   @When("I enter valid credentials for testa30")
   public void i_enter_valid_credentials_for_testa30() {
   // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
   throw new;

Basically I want to only care about the email as a parameter and not care about "valid"


  • To let Cucumber know you are using regular expressions, start your definition with ^ and end with $. See details here.

    More over do not mix up regular expressions and cucumber expressions. Syntax like {word} is not supported when you use regular expression approach.