Search code examples

fill nan with string before groupby pandas

I have a table like this

src | dst | amount
a   | c   | 100
b   | c   | 50
a   | b   | 40
a   | nan | 10
nan | nan | 100

and i want a table like this, where I group by src and sum the amount sent, and if the src is nan is want to replace with "unknown".

entity | sent 
a      | 150    
b      | 50    
uknown | 100


  • If nan is missing value replace it before aggregation:

    df = (df.fillna({'src': 'unknown'})
    print (df)
        entity  sent
    0        a   150
    1        b    50
    2  unknown   100

    Or if 'nan' is string use:

    df = (df.replace({'src': {'nan': 'unknown'}})
    print (df)
        entity  sent
    0        a   150
    1        b    50
    2  unknown   100

    Another ideas:

