I want to create my own Exception which extends Runtimeexception. I the constructor I want it to print out different Strings, depending on the first parameter. The parameter is an integer and if its for example over 4 it should say "over" and under it should say "under". But I cannot do it with if and else because super has to be the first argument. Can anyone help?
You can call static methods in the constructor and pass their return value to the super class constructor:
public class MyException extends RuntimeException {
MyException(int v){
private static String chooseMessage(int v){
return v > 4 ? "over" : v < 4 ? "under" : "4";
You also might be able to just use some ternary operators if your choice logic is simple enough:
MyException(int v){
super(v > 4 ? "over" : v < 4 ? "under" : "4");
Another way is to store your messages in an array (which might be better if you have a distinct message for each number):
private static final String[] MESSAGES = { "a", "b", "c", "under", "4", "over" };
MyException(int v){