In my applications there are many cases when I have several groups of TLabel
followed by a TEdit
on my Forms, you know... when some properties needs to be edited. I want to align vertically those controls so that their font baseline will be on the same line. I need to do this at runtime, after I scale the Form and everything is messed up. Do yo know if there is a way to do that ? I saw that Delphi IDE does it verry easy at design time...
Edit: I managed to get the position of the baseline relative to font margins, with GetTextMetrics
but now I don't know where the font Top is positioned in the control client area (TLabel and TEdit)...
This is the code that aligns some common controls... I don't know if it covers all the cases, but what I've tried so far has worked perfectly. It works in current Windows versions but God knows what will happen in future versions, when they will change the way controls are drawn.
TControlWithFont = class (TControl)
property Font;
procedure FontBaselineAlign(Control, FixedControl: TControl);
var DC: HDC;
SaveFont: HFont;
CtrlBL, FixBL, BV: Integer;
CtrlTM, FixTM: TTextMetric;
function GetControlBaseLine(Ctrl: Tcontrol; const TM: TTextMetric; out BL: Integer): Boolean;
Result:= False; BL:= -1;
if Ctrl is TLabel then with Ctrl as TLabel do begin
if Layout = tlTop then BL:= TM.tmAscent
else if Layout = tlBottom then BL:= Height - TM.tmDescent
else BL:= ((Height - TM.tmHeight) div 2 + TM.tmAscent);
Result:= True;
else if Ctrl is TEdit then with Ctrl as TEdit do begin
BL:= TM.tmAscent;
if BorderStyle = bsSingle then
Inc(BL, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)+1);
Result:= True;
else if (Ctrl is TSpinEdit) or (Ctrl is TComboBox) then begin
BL:= TM.tmAscent + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)+1;
Result:= True;
else if (Ctrl is TComboBoxEx) then begin
BL:= TM.tmAscent + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)+3;
Result:= True;
else if (Ctrl is TCheckBox) or (Ctrl is TRadioButton) then begin
BL:= ((Ctrl.Height - TM.tmHeight) div 2) + TM.tmAscent;
Result:= True;
else if (Ctrl is TColorBox) then begin
BL:= Round((Ctrl.Height - TM.tmHeight) / 2) + TM.tmAscent;
Result:= True;
else if (Ctrl is TPanel) then with Ctrl as TPanel do begin
BV:= BorderWidth;
if BevelInner <> bvNone then Inc(BV, BevelWidth);
if BevelOuter <> bvNone then Inc(BV, BevelWidth);
if BorderStyle = bsSingle then Inc(BV, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE));
if VerticalAlignment = taAlignTop then begin
if (BevelKind <> bkNone) and (beTop in BevelEdges) then Inc(BV, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE));
BL:= BV + TM.tmAscent;
else if VerticalAlignment = taAlignBottom then begin
if (BevelKind <> bkNone) and (beBottom in BevelEdges) then Inc(BV, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE));
BL:= Height - TM.tmDescent - BV;
else BL:= ((Height - TM.tmHeight) div 2 + TM.tmAscent);
Result:= True;
DC:= GetDC(0);
SaveFont:= SelectObject(DC, TControlWithFont(Control).Font.Handle);
GetTextMetrics(DC, CtrlTM);
SelectObject(DC, TControlWithFont(FixedControl).Font.Handle);
GetTextMetrics(DC, FixTM);
SelectObject(DC, SaveFont);
ReleaseDC(0, DC);
if GetControlBaseLine(Control, CtrlTM, CtrlBL) and
GetControlBaseLine(FixedControl, FixTM, FixBL) then
Control.Top:= FixedControl.Top + (FixBL - CtrlBL);