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Compile-time map on a type list

I am looking for an idiomatic way to apply a type-level transform for each element in a type list. So far I came up with the following, which works as expected:

namespace impl_
template <template <typename> typename, typename>
struct MapVariant;
template <template <typename> typename F, typename... Ts>
struct MapVariant<F, std::variant<Ts...>>
    using Result = std::variant<F<Ts>...>;

template <typename Variant, template <typename> typename Transform>
using MapVariant = typename impl_::MapVariant<Transform, Variant>::Result;


using TestVariant = std::variant<int, char, std::array<float, 0>>;

template <typename Arg>
using TypeTransform = std::array<Arg, 0>;

    std::is_same_v<MapVariant<TestVariant, TypeTransform>,                                             //
                   std::variant<std::array<int, 0>, std::array<char, 0>, std::array<std::array<float, 0>, 0>>  //

Now I would like to generalize MapVariant to accept an arbitrary container parameterized with a type list rather than only std::variant (e.g., std::tuple). My naive solution does not work:

template <template <typename...> class C, template <typename> typename F, typename... Ts>
using MapVariant = C<F<Ts>...>;

Here is a more verbose approach closer to the original that is also dysfunctional:

namespace impl_
template <template <typename> typename, typename, template <typename...> class, typename>
struct MapVariant;
template <template <typename> typename F, typename Unused, template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
struct MapVariant<F, Unused, C, C<Ts...>>
    using Result = C<F<Ts>...>;
template <template <typename...> class Variant, template <typename> typename Transform, typename... Ts>
using MapVariant = typename impl_::MapVariant<Transform, Variant<Ts...>, Variant, Ts...>::Result;

Clang says "Template argument for template template parameter must be a class template or type alias template". I understand that the compiler is unable to unpack TestVariant because apparently some type information is lost at the time of its definition via using, but I don't understand how to work around this.

It is possible to do this at all?


  • Thanks to Fureeish I managed to fix this with a trivial change:

    template <template <typename> typename, typename>
    struct MapVariant;
    template <template <typename...> class C, template <typename> typename F, typename... Ts>
    struct MapVariant<F, C<Ts...>>
        using Result = C<F<Ts>...>;

    The outer alias need not be changed. The critical difference is that the order of template parameters was incorrect -- I would have noticed that if I just paid more attention to it. Smh. Thanks again, Fureeish.