I am trying to upload a file and move it to public/ folder. The file uploads without problem to writable folder, however, it is the moving to the public folder that has a problem.
Here is my code;
$update_post->move(ROOTPATH.'public/', $update_post.'.'.$fileType);
Path is correct. When I echo out echo ROOTPATH.'public/';
and then manually copy/paste, I do get to the destination directory.
Permissions correct. There are my permission on the public/ directory:
drwxr-xr-x 9 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 30 01:08 public
Any hints appreciated.
It's because the move(string $targetPath, ?string $name = null, bool $overwrite = false)
method's $name
argument is invalid.
$update_post->move( ... , $update_post.'.'.$fileType);
Concatenating an class CodeIgniter\Files\File extends SplFileInfo
instance calls the inherited SplFileInfo
class's __toString()
method which returns the path to the file as a string.
Note that it doesn't return the filename, which is what you're interested in.
You should instead pass in the basename instead.
ROOTPATH . 'public/',
Alternatively, since you're not changing the destination filename, it's cleaner to just not pass in the second parameter of the move(...)
method. I.e:
ROOTPATH . 'public'
If you wish to change the destination filename to a new name, try this instead:
Attempts to determine the file extension based on the trusted
method. If the mime type is unknown, will return null. This is often a more trusted source than simply using the extension provided by the filename. Uses the values in app/Config/Mimes.php to determine extension:
$newFileName = "site_logo"; // New filename without suffixing it with a file extension.
$fileExtension = $update_post->guessExtension();
ROOTPATH . 'public',
$newFileName . (empty($fileExtension) ? '' : '.' . $fileExtension)
The move(...)
method returns a new File instance for the relocated file, so you must capture the result if the resulting location is needed: $newRelocatedFileInstance = $update_post->move(...);