I'm trying to check if a field contains a value from a list using Kusto in Log analytics/Sentinel in Azure.
The list contains top level domains but I only want matches for subdomains of these top levels domains. The list value example.com should match values such as forum.example.com or api.example.com.
I got the following code but it does exact matches only.
let domains = dynamic(["example.com", "amazon.com", "microsoft.com", "google.com"]);
| where RemoteUrl in~ (domains)
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessAccountUpn, RemoteUrl
I tried with endswith, but couldn't get that to work with the list.
It seems that has_any() would work for you:
let domains = dynamic(["example.com", "amazon.com", "microsoft.com", "google.com"]);
| where RemoteUrl has_any(domains)
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceName, InitiatingProcessAccountUpn, RemoteUrl
Note that you can also use the has_any_index() to get which item in the array was matched