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Is there package manager console in Rider?

I would like to know updated information about aviability package manager console in Rider. I didn't find any information about this on the Internet but I hope there is a way to enable it. Someone can help with it or I have to install VS?
Or how I can use commandlets like "Add-Migration" or "Scaffold-DbContext"? They aren't work. I installed Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.


  • Add-Migration or Scaffold-DbContext commands are PowerShell-based, and the Package Manager Console ties to several Visual Studio-specific objects making it impossible to host it elsewhere - in this case Rider.

    In Rider you can run these in terminal and they should be equivalent to the ones you mentioned for VS:

    • dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName
    • dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold

    More details are available on JetBrains blog: Running EF commands in Rider