first of all, I don't know if it's legal to do this, but please read this question to understand me better.
as you read in the question, I have trouble pushing new files into an input, I knew that I get only the last file because of pushing the files into input's file list. so I changed pushing from this: (which was working, but only on last input in the form)
function inputImage(quode, f){
let list = new DataTransfer();
let img = list.files;
document.querySelector("#imageUploader_"+quode).files = img;
to this:
function inputImage(quode, f){
but I get this error
is not a function
I get it from this answer
I've also tried this
function inputImage(quode, f){
but I get this
is not a function
the file object looks like (from the console):
File {
lastModified: 1642515255138
lastModifiedDate: Tue Jan 18 2022 17:14:15 GMT+0300 (GMT+03:00) {}
name: "[(33),12,2314,100,45].jpeg"
size: 8115
type: "image/jpeg"
webkitRelativePath: ""
[[Prototype]]: File
the file list :
FileList {length: 0[[Prototype]]: FileList}
EDIT: see this it may help
and this is some documentation:
the reason wasn't related to datatransfer even nor related to JS. the problem that I wasn't managing the request array perfectly, so I only get the last input's file, so I changed the request from this
public function store(Request $request){
$gen = ['_token','examHash','name','duration','bornline','deadline','note','hardness','vip','examType','published'];
$questions = $request->except($gen);//questions
$data = [];
$count = 0;
foreach($questions as $k => $i){
if(str_starts_with($k, 'ex_')){
$quode= '';
$ex = '';
$type = '';
$quode = str_replace("ex_", "", $k);
$ex = $i;
$type = $questions['questionType_'.$quode];
$count += 1;
$data += [$quode => []];
if(str_ends_with($k, $quode)){
// check if the $k is unnecessary element and skip it, add only needed data to $data array
if((($type == "option" && (!str_starts_with($k, "label") && !str_starts_with($k, "single") && !str_starts_with($k, "choice"))) || ($type == "label" && (!str_starts_with($k, "option") && !str_starts_with($k, "single"))) || ($type == "single" && (!str_starts_with($k, "label") && !str_starts_with($k, "option") && !str_starts_with($k, "choice"))))){
$data[$quode]['sort'] = $count;
$data[$quode] += [str_replace("_".$quode, "", $k) => $i];
if(str_starts_with($k, "image")){
$questions['image_'.$quode]->storeAs('ques', $quode.$ex);
$data = array_merge(request()->only($gen), $data);
to this
foreach($questions as $k => $i){
if(str_starts_with($k, 'ex_')){
$quode= '';
$ex = '';
$type = '';
$image= [''];
$quode = str_replace("ex_", "", $k);
$ex = $i;
$type = $questions['questionType_'.$quode];
$image = $questions['image_'.$quode];
$count += 1;
$data += [$quode => []];
if(str_ends_with($k, $quode)){
// check if the $k is unnecessary element and skip it, add only needed data to $data array
if((($type == "option" && (!str_starts_with($k, "label") && !str_starts_with($k, "single") && !str_starts_with($k, "choice"))) || ($type == "label" && (!str_starts_with($k, "option") && !str_starts_with($k, "single"))) || ($type == "single" && (!str_starts_with($k, "label") && !str_starts_with($k, "option") && !str_starts_with($k, "choice"))))){
$data[$quode]['sort'] = $count;
$data[$quode] += [str_replace("_".$quode, "", $k) => $i];
$data[$quode]['image'] = $image;
$data[$quode]['image']->storeAs('ques', $quode.$ex);