I have a class called Business, a class called Tag and a class called BusinessTagLink.
Both Business and Tag have the following property:
public virtual IList<BusinessTagLink>? BusinessTagLinks { get; set; }
and every business is linked to one or more tags via the BusinessTagLink table.
My BusinessTagLink class looks like this:
public class BusinessTagLink : BaseEntity
public int BusinessTagLinkId { get; set; }
public int BusinessId { get; set; }
public int TagId { get; set; }
public virtual Business Business { get; set; }
public virtual Tag Tag { get; set; }
I am trying to build a filter that will allow a user to filter down the list of businesses by interacting with a list of tags. I so far have this:
public static IQueryable<Business> Filter(this IQueryable<Business> businesses, List<int> tagIds)
if (tagIds.Count == 0)
return businesses;
return businesses.Where(x => x.BusinessTagLinks.Any(y => tagIds.Contains(y.TagId)));
This works great if I want to return businesses where any of the business tag link tag IDs match any of the tag IDs passed in as a parameter. However, I would like it to return just businesses that have all of the tag IDs passed in as a parameter. E.g:
Business A is linked to tag IDs 1, 2 and 3 via the business tag links table. Business B is linked to tags 2 and 3. Upon passing in a list of 1, 2 I only want the filter to return Business A.
I'm using Entity Framework Core 6.0.1 and my database is SQL Server.
Didnt really test it :D hopefully it works :D
public static IQueryable<Business> Filter(this IQueryable<Business> businesses, List<int> tagIds)
if (tagIds.Count == 0)
return businesses;
foreach (var tagId in tagIds)
businesses = businesses.Where(e => e.BusinessTagLinks.Any(l => l.TagId == tagId));
return businesses;
also, your BusinessTagLink table does not need to have auto increment primary key as the unique identifier can be derived from BusinessId and TagId, having a composite PK makes more sense