Lets say, I have a flat text file in a server. I need to download/import/copy to my local file system over internet. Is there any way I could import the file in chunks or have multiple connection to that flat text file itself from my local system, so that, the import/copy/ becomes faster?
One way you can do it is if supported by an FTP server available, use a multiple ftp based product that basically divdes it up, downloads multiple streams to the same file. However, in the end there is one stark reality, your speed will still be only a max of the smallest link along the path. So, if you download the file and get full bandwidth of say 2mb a second, making 10 connections you'll only get say 200k/s each, it wont make it faster unless something throttles the download on a connection by connection basis.
Of course, thats also not using java, but there probably is a java multi FTP thing about.