My table name is in camelcase and the hibernate (v5) naming is PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl which works when running the application using @SpringBootApplication but when it is used in testing and using @DataJpaTest it turns the camelcase name to all uppercase and so the test will not get executed.
I have also made sure that I have two separate application.yml one for dev and one for testing and the one for testing works
This is how I declared my naming which worked for dev/local:
physical-strategy: org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl
The table name is declare as following: @Table(name = "ClinicalUser")
Getting the following error:
ERROR 35284 --- [ main] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : Table "CLINICALUSER" not found
I like to mention again that this worked when used on dev/local env.
I have checked all the other related questions and they either couldn't connect to their test application.yml or they had different problems with different naming.
I dont really understand what was exactly wrong but I had the h2 dependency on my pom.xml file and after removing that and adding @AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
under the @DataJpaTest
it worked.