I'm new to clickhouse. I tried the clickhouse on both Ubuntu and MacOS. As for the ubuntu version, I know the server config.xml is under the /etc/clickhouse-server/ folder. However, on the Mac OS I cannot find the config.xml with the path with the quick start installation method provided here.
wget 'https://builds.clickhouse.com/master/macos/clickhouse'
chmod a+x ./clickhouse
I know I can build a clickhouse to get the config file in the /etc/ folder. But I'm wondering where is the config.xml file if I choose to pre download the applicaion.
You can download this https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/programs/server/config.xml
and then run ./clickhouse -c config.xml
Or you can use brew (Intel and M1 both are supported) https://github.com/Altinity/homebrew-clickhouse
then files will be in /usr/local/