The problem:
I am trying to return an icon along with text if a ternary is true, and just text if ternary is false. Here is my code:
{quote.is_archived ? <PencilFill className="mr-10" size={ 10 }/> + 'View' : 'Edit'}
When I do that, this is what I get, can someone point me to why this is happening.
<PencilFill className="mr-10" size={ 10 }/> + 'View'
The first part of this is an object, and the second part is a string, so when you concatenate them together you get [object Object]View
. What you probably meant to do was a Fragment, as in:
<PencilFill className="mr-10" size={ 10 }/>
Or using the shorthand notation:
<PencilFill className="mr-10" size={ 10 }/>