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Is there a way to pass a webelement as a parameter?

I am building three test cases with a page object that contains three ID locators. I am wondering if I can pass a locator to a single method for all three cases.

Page Object:

public class SomeClass {

    @FindBy(how=How.CSS, using="label[for='yes']")
    private WebElement yes;

    @FindBy(how=How.CSS, using="label[for='maybe']")
    private WebElement maybe;

    @FindBy(how=How.CSS, using="label[for='no']")
    private WebElement no;

    public SomeClass(WebDriver driver) {

    public SomeClass clicksButtons() {
        *some locator*.click();
        return new someClass(this.driver);

Test Case:

public class SomeTest {
    public void willClickAButton() {
        SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass(this.getDriver());



I would like to pass a parameter (yes, maybe, or no) into the clicksButtons method so that I can reuse the method in the other two test cases without have to hardcode it. I've searched Google and couldn't find a clear answer.


  • I found the answer in Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook 2nd edition.

        public void select(String label) {
    //I found the buttons by class and stored them in a List<>. In my case there were 3.
            List<WebElement> like = this.driver.findElements(By.className("custom-control-label"));
    //iterate the buttons contained in the List<>
            for(WebElement button : like) 
    //if the button's "for" attribute contains the given label...
                if (button.getAttribute("for").equals(label)) 
    //...and if it is not selected...
                    if (!button.isSelected()) 
    //click the button, according to the label