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Telegram Bot: How to delete/remove userpic of bot?

I'm trying to remove the user picture of my telegram bot but there seems to be no option. Is it possible to delete/remove the userpic of a bot?

I know that I could upload any other photo via botfathers /setuserpic command but I want to simply remove the pic without any replacement.


    • Open BotFather
    • /mybots
    • Select your bot
    • Click Edit
    • Click Edit Botpic
    • Send a new picture to Bot Father

    Bot father will add the latest photo as Display Picture.

    Note: Bot father does remove the old picture. After changing the profile picture... open your bot... and check dp from there... you'll see only the last updated one. Remember, if you check dp from the chat list(or Rows) you'll see earlier picture too. But that too gets removed once you open your bot and check dp from chat window!