My website refers traffic to ecom site's product pages and uses a GTM tag to create a 1st party cookie recording the visit. The cookie name is something like visit_[product sku] e.g. visit_12789723.
I'm creating another GTM template which ecom sites will add as a tag to their sale completion page e.g. when conversion occurs.
At the point of sales conversion I need to read all cookies created when product pages were visited e.g. "visit_*". The sandboxed JS provides an API to read cookies - getCookieValues. The problem is getCookieValues requires that you pass in the name of the cookie and it passes back the value.
Is there a way to get all cookies or to use wildcards with the available GTM js API?
If you are okay with obeying the words of the law rather than the spirit, you can create a Javascript variable "document.cookie" and pass the in via a field to your template. Then you can do some custom parsing to get the individual names and values.