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Web RTC connection is not established

When I run this code connection is not established,

  • in firefox console error "WebRTC: ICE failed, add a STUN server and see about:webrtc for more details" shows up and dataChannel.readyState is connecting

  • in Chrome console error does not show up but again dataChannel.readyState is connecting

     var localconn, remoteconn, dataChannel, recievedDataChannel;
     async function connect(){
         localconn = new RTCPeerConnection();
         remoteconn = new RTCPeerConnection();
         dataChannel = localconn.createDataChannel("dataChannel");
         dataChannel.onopen = e =>{
             console.log("data channel is open");
         dataChannel.onmessage = e=>{
             console.log("new message: ";
     remoteconn.ondatachannel = e =>{
         recievedDataChannel =;
         recievedDataChannel.onmessage = e=>{
             console.log("new message from remote : ";
     var offer = await localconn.createOffer();
     await localconn.setLocalDescription(offer);
     await remoteconn.setRemoteDescription(offer);
     var answer = await remoteconn.createAnswer();
     await remoteconn.setLocalDescription(answer);
     await localconn.setRemoteDescription(answer);



  • You need a listener for ICE candidates on the peer connection and apply those to the other peer.

    localconn.onicecandidate = function(event) {
      if (event.candidate) {
      } else {
        // All ICE candidates have been sent
    remoteconn.onicecandidate = function(event) {
      if (event.candidate) {
      } else {
        // All ICE candidates have been sent

    See also