Unlike English Ordinal Numbers where the ordinal number is made from the original number (in digital form) and a suffix is added to it (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th......), the Arabic Ordinal Numbers cannot be written like that and an Arabic Ordinal Number is a full-text representation.
The table below lists selected Arabic Ordinal Numbers (from 1 to 99).
Arabic Ordinal Numbers differ if the subject is Masculine or Feminine.
There is no Javascript function or a solution on StackOverflow that can be found that can convert a number (in the range from 1 to 99) to the equivalent Arabic Ordinal Number text taking into account the type of the subject (Masculine or Feminine).
An example of such a function could be:
// result ==> الخامس
// result ==> الحادي والعشرون
ordinalsAr(5, true); // true flag for Feminine
ordinalsAr(21, true); // true flag for Feminine
// result ==> الخامسة
// result ==> الحادية والعشرون
Arabic Ordinal Numbers | |||
English Ordinals | English Ordinals | Arabic Ordinals | Arabic Ordinals |
N° | Ordinal Number | Masculine | Feminine |
1st | First | الأول | الأولى |
2nd | Second | الثاني | الثانية |
3rd | Third | الثالث | الثالثة |
4th | Fourth | الرابع | الرابعة |
5th | Fifth | الخامس | الخامسة |
6th | Sixth | السادس | السادسة |
7th | Seventh | السابع | السابعة |
8th | Eighth | الثامن | الثامنة |
9th | Ninth | التاسع | التاسعة |
10th | Tenth | العاشر | العاشرة |
11th | Eleventh | الحادي عشر | الحادية عشرة |
12th | Twelfth | الثاني عشر | الثانية عشرة |
13th | Thirteenth | الثالث عشر | الثالثة عشرة |
14th | Fourteenth | الرابع عشر | الرابعة عشرة |
15th | Fifteenth | الخامس عشر | الخامسة عشرة |
16th | Sixteenth | السادس عشر | السادسة عشرة |
17th | Seventeenth | السابع عشر | السابعة عشرة |
18th | Eighteenth | الثامن عشر | الثامنة عشرة |
19th | Nineteenth | التاسع عشر | التاسعة عشرة |
20th | Twentieth | العشرون | العشرون |
21st | Twenty-first | الحادي والعشرون | الحادية والعشرون |
22nd | Twenty-second | الثاني والعشرون | الثانية والعشرون |
23rd | Twenty-third | الثالث والعشرون | الثالثة والعشرون |
24th | Twenty-fourth | الرابع والعشرون | الرابعة والعشرون |
…. | …………. | …………. | …………. |
29th | Twenty-ninth | التاسع والعشرون | التاسعة والعشرون |
30th | Thirtieth | الثلاثون | الثلاثون |
…. | …………. | …………. | …………. |
40th | Fortieth | الأربعون | الأربعون |
…. | …………. | …………. | …………. |
99th | Ninety-Ninth | التاسع والتسعون | التاسعة والتسعون |
Looking at Alan Omar's code concept, a shorter code to Convert Numbers (from 1 to 99) to Arabic Ordinal String is as follows.
More information about Arabic Numbers conversion can be found here Arabic Numbers
* @function : ordinalsAr(number [, isFeminine])
* @purpose : Converts numbers from 1 to 99 to Arabic Ordinal String
* @version : 1.00
* @author : Mohsen Alyafei
* @date : 27 Jan 2022
* @Licence : MIT
* @param : {number} Integer from 1 to 99
* @param : [isFeminine] the subject's gender:
* false (default) --> Masculine subject (e.g. output الأول الثاني الثالث)
* true --> Feminine subject (e.g. output الأولى الثانية الثالثة)
* @returns : {string} The ordinal Arabic Text.
function ordinalsAr(num, isFeminine=false) {
num %= 100; // only handle the lowest 2 digits (1-99) ignore others
let the = "ال", // set this to "" if you don't want the output prefixed with letters "ال"
unit = num % 10,
ordinal= the + [,"أول","ثاني","ثالث","رابع","خامس","سادس","سابع","ثامن","تاسع","عاشر"]
[num === 10 ? num : unit], // letters for lower part of ordinal string
female = isFeminine ? "ة" : "", // add letter "ة" if Feminine
ones = (unit === 1 ? the + "حادي" : ordinal) + female; // special cases for 21, 31, 41, etc.
return num <11 ? ordinal + (isFeminine && num ===1 ? "ى" : female): // from 1 to 10
num <20 ? ones + " عشر" + female : // from 11 to 19
(unit ? ones + " و" : "") + // else 20 to 99
"ال" + // always add "ال"
[,,"عشر","ثلاث","أربع","خمس","ست","سبع","ثمان","تسع"] // letters for 20, 30, 40...
[ ~~(num / 10)] + "ون";
// *=======================================================
// Test Cases
// List the ordinal numbers from 1 to 99
// in both Masculine and Feminine genders
for (let i=1; i<100; i++) {
console.log(i,"M: "+ordinalsAr(i),
"F: "+ordinalsAr(i,true) );