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NodeJS Static function is not a function

I made a NodeJS application which usere a static Method to do some calculation Function. When i try to acces the Method i got the isNotAFunction Error.

Here a static class which causes the error while accessing it:

exports.module = class PlaceEvaluator
    static testMethod()

Here is the Code of the file which throws the Exception while reading:

PositionFinder = require("./positionFinder.js");
PlaceObj = require("./placeObj.js");
PlaceEvaluator = require("./placeEvaluator.js");
fetch = require("cross-fetch");
const express = require("express");
const http = require("http").createServer(express);
const io = require("")(http, {
        origin: "*"

const application = express();



io.on("connection", socket => {
    socket.on("placeQuery", async ({topic, lat, long}) => {
        PlaceEvaluator.testMethod();  //Here is the Exception function call 
        //console.log("Response sent!");

async function findPlaceObject(type, lat, long)
    let placeObj = await PositionFinder.FetchPosition(type, lat, long);
    return placeObj;

function convertToPlaceObjArr(inputObj)
    var outputArr = [];

    let name;
    let lat;
    let long;

    for(var i = 0; i < inputObj.results.length; i++)
        name = inputObj.results[i].name;
        lat = inputObj.results[i];
        long = inputObj.results[i].geometry.location.lng; 
        outputArr.push(new PlaceObj(name, lat, long));

    return outputArr;

http.listen(4000, function(){
    console.log("Running on Port 4000");
    // PositionFinder.FetchPosition("Pizza", "51.896359", "6.982303");


  • You need to use module.exports to export a default rather than exports.module.

    By using exports.module you are exporting your class with the key of module so in that case you would have to do:
