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Conversion of SSLContext from Java to Kotlin

I was trying to replicate this process of self-signed certificate process (link: in an android app that is using Kotlin. The problem is the implementation in the link I've provided is in Java and I can't seem to correctly convert this code to its Kotlin version.

sslContext.init(null, new TrustManager[] { TRUST_ALL_CERTS }, new;

This is how I implemented it in Kotlin:

val sslContext: SSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL")
.init(null, arrayOf(TRUST_ALL_CERTS) as Array<TrustManager>, as SSLContext

I casted the init to SSLContext because it is in Unit but after doing so, this warning appears:

this cast can never succeed

What could be an alternative fix for this one? Theoretically, it will cause an error once I publish it, and I want to avoid it. Please help. Thank you

Note: I can't test my app on my local machine because the app communicates with a server that will not allow the app to be ran locally.


  • To do it atomically use apply

    val sslContext: SSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL").apply {
      init(null, arrayOf<TrustManager>(TRUST_ALL_CERTS),