How exactly does JMH do the calculations? Where in the code or in which file can you see the process and formula for calculating "score" and "error"?
CopyOnWriteBenchmark.testAdd avgt 5 223968,116 ± 553800,476 us/op
CopyOnWriteBenchmark.testAddAt avgt 5 198,910 ± 98,401 us/op
CopyOnWriteBenchmark.testContains avgt 5 14,969 ± 1,080 us/op
CopyOnWriteBenchmark.testGet avgt 5 0,004 ± 0,001 us/op
CopyOnWriteBenchmark.testIndexOf avgt 5 20,646 ± 3,313 us/op
CopyOnWriteBenchmark.testRemove avgt 5 16,443 ± 2,015 us/op```
looking into debugger I see that the code responsible for calculations is generated at compilation time separately for each benchmark. Below there is an example of generated method:
public static void dto_avgt_jmhStub(InfraControl control, RawResults result, BenchmarkParams benchmarkParams, IterationParams iterationParams, ThreadParams threadParams, Blackhole blackhole, Control notifyControl, int startRndMask, ProjectionVsDtoBenchmark_jmhType l_projectionvsdtobenchmark0_0) throws Throwable {
long operations = 0;
long realTime = 0;
result.startTime = System.nanoTime();
do {
} while(!control.isDone);
result.stopTime = System.nanoTime();
result.realTime = realTime;
result.measuredOps = operations;
Here l_projectionvsdtobenchmark0_0.dto()
is the method annotated with @Benchmark
The method above is in turn called from this one:
public BenchmarkTaskResult dto_AverageTime(InfraControl control, ThreadParams threadParams) throws Throwable {
this.benchmarkParams = control.benchmarkParams;
this.iterationParams = control.iterationParams;
this.threadParams = threadParams;
this.notifyControl = control.notifyControl;
if (this.blackhole == null) {
this.blackhole = new Blackhole("Today's password is swordfish. I understand instantiating Blackholes directly is dangerous.");
if (threadParams.getSubgroupIndex() == 0) {
RawResults res = new RawResults();
ProjectionVsDtoBenchmark_jmhType l_projectionvsdtobenchmark0_0 = _jmh_tryInit_f_projectionvsdtobenchmark0_0(control);
while (control.warmupShouldWait) {
notifyControl.startMeasurement = true;
dto_avgt_jmhStub(control, res, benchmarkParams, iterationParams, threadParams, blackhole, notifyControl, startRndMask, l_projectionvsdtobenchmark0_0);
notifyControl.stopMeasurement = true;
try {
while (control.warmdownShouldWait) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (!(e instanceof InterruptedException)) throw e;
if (control.isLastIteration()) {
f_projectionvsdtobenchmark0_0 = null;
res.allOps += res.measuredOps;
int batchSize = iterationParams.getBatchSize();
int opsPerInv = benchmarkParams.getOpsPerInvocation();
res.allOps *= opsPerInv;
res.allOps /= batchSize;
res.measuredOps *= opsPerInv;
res.measuredOps /= batchSize;
BenchmarkTaskResult results = new BenchmarkTaskResult((long)res.allOps, (long)res.measuredOps);
results.add(new AverageTimeResult(ResultRole.PRIMARY, "dto", res.measuredOps, res.getTime(), benchmarkParams.getTimeUnit()));
this.blackhole.evaporate("Yes, I am Stephen Hawking, and know a thing or two about black holes.");
return results;
} else
throw new IllegalStateException("Harness failed to distribute threads among groups properly");
The results are collected into BenchmarkTaskResult
, which in turn contains collection of Result
objects, in this case AverageTimeResult
containing Statistics