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Exception in logs on starting Hybris with JRebel

Exception in thread "rebel-messaging-executor-44" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:$ig$handshakeHash(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lsun/security/ssl/HandshakeHash;

System Details:

  • Java 11.0.12
  • Hybris 2005.0
  • jrebel-2021.4.1

I have downloaded the JRebel zip file then unizipped it. Also, installed the JRebel IntelliJ plugin.


tomcat.javaoptions=-Xverify:none -javaagent:"C:\\Users\\CHISHTM\\Downloads\\jrebel-2021.4.1-nosetup\\jrebel\\jrebel.jar=de.hybris.tomcat.HybrisWebappClassLoader60" -agentpath:C:\\Users\\CHISHTM\\Downloads\\jrebel-2021.4.1-nosetup\\jrebel\\lib\\jrebel64.dll


  • The new JRebel Agent no longer works using -javaagent. This change affects users previously running with the Legacy Agent from a command line (as well as on a remote machine or container) from here:

    Remove -javaagent argument from javaoptions or downgrade to an older JRebel version. Its working well just with -agentpath argument. Tested on newer Hybris + latest Java 11 + latest JRebel