I am stuck while calling the graphQL mutation API in spring boot. Let me explain my scenario, I have two microservice one is the AuditConsumeService which consume the message from the activeMQ, and the other is GraphQL layer which simply takes the data from the consume service and put it inside the database. Everything well when i try to push data using graphql playground or postman. How do I push data from AuditConsumeService. In the AuditConsumeService I am trying to send mutation API as a string. the method which is responsible to send that to graphQL layer is
public Mono<String> sendLogsToGraphQL(String logs){
return webClient
NOTE: I try to pass data as Object as well but no use.
The String logs
will be given to it from activeMQ. The data which I am sending is;
"hasError": false,
"message": "Hello There",
"sender": "Ali Ahmad",
"payload": {
"type": "String",
"title": "Topoic",
"description": "This is the demo description of the activemqq"
"version": "v1",
"date": "2021-05-18T08:44:17.8237608+05:00",
"serverStatus": "UP",
"serviceName": "IdentityService"
The mutation will be like;
createEventLog(eventLog: $eventLog){
The $eventLog
has json body as;
"eventLog": {
"hasError": false,
"message": "Hello There",
"sender": "Ali Ahmad",
"payload": {
"type": "String",
"title": "Topoic",
"description": "This is the demo description of the activemqq"
"version": "v1",
"date": "2021-05-18T08:44:17.8237608+05:00",
"serverStatus": "UP",
"serviceName": "IdentityService"
EDIT The follow the below answer, by updating the consumerservice as;
public class Consumer {
private AuditService auditService;
private final String MUTATION_QUERY = "mutation($eventLog: EventLogInput){\n" +
"createEventLog(eventLog: $eventLog){\n" +
"hasError\n" +
"}\n" +
@JmsListener(destination = "Audit.queue")
public void consumeLogs(String logs) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
Object jsonObject = gson.fromJson(logs, Object.class);
Map<String, Object> graphQlBody = new HashMap<>();
graphQlBody.put("query", MUTATION_QUERY);
graphQlBody.put("variables", "{eventLog: " + jsonObject+ "}");
Now In the `sendLogsToGraphQL' will becomes.
public void sendLogsToGraphQL(Map<String, String> logs) {
log.info("Logs: {} ", logs);
Mono<String> stringMono = webClient
log.info("StringMono: {}", stringMono);
return stringMono;
The data is not sending to the graphql layer with the specified url.
You have to send the query
and body as variables in post request like shown here
graphQlBody = { "query" : mutation_query, "variables" : { "eventLog" : event_log_json } }
And then in webClient you can send body as multiple ways
public Mono<String> sendLogsToGraphQL(Map<String,Object> body){
return webClient
Here i just showed using Map<String,Object>
for forming graphQL request body, but you can also create corresponding POJO classes with the properties of query
and variables